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LiveScan is an inkless electronic system designed to capture an individual’s fingerprint images and demographic data (name, sex, race, date of birth, etc.) in a digitized format that can be transmitted to the Illinois State Police (ISP) for processing. Once received at the BOI for processing, the inquiry can then be forwarded to the FBI electronically for processing. All of this occurs within minutes and results in a biometric identification of an individual with little to no human intervention. LiveScan can be used for criminal justice as well as non-criminal justice use.

We offer LiveScan fingerprint services by appointment only. We can print FD-258 cards on site at the time of service if needed. If a FD-258 card is needed there will be a $5 charge. We will only send high grade image fingerprints for processing to the ISP and FBI; this means we will take the time to ensure that each print taken is at least a %70 grade or higher as scanned by our equipment.

If you can not make your selected appointment please notify us at least 48 hours prior to reschedule.

Please contact us for information regarding mobile fingerprint services taken at your location.



LiveScan only - $70

LiveScan w/ card - $75

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